Schools in Switzerland. 

The secondary education received in Swiss schools opens the door to almost all universities in the world. The highest quality of education, environmental friendliness and safety in this mountainous country attract schoolchildren from all over the world: there is no more cosmopolitan environment in the world than a Swiss boarding school.

The Swiss education system

The Swiss education system is as well thought out and reliable as the Swiss banks. Swiss university diplomas are valued all over the world; there are more than a million students and schoolchildren in the country's 7 million population. Studying in Switzerland is not a cheap pleasure, which is why most of the students and pupils from abroad are the children of officials and big businessmen. At the same time, the rules are very strict and the requirements for entering university are high, but well worth it: more than a dozen Nobel Prize winners graduated from Swiss universities. Switzerland does not have a uniform national education system. The general structure is roughly the same: kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school and university. The main advantage of the Swiss education system is its flexibility and multilingualism: depending on the particular educational institution, the education system can be English, French, German, Swiss or Italian. The primary and lower secondary levels (6-15 years) are compulsory and free in the country, after which students continue to high school (for another 3-4 years) or to secondary vocational education and applied vocational - Maturitéprofessionalnelle. vocational education does not mean that the path to higher education is closed. Usually, graduates of vocational schools go to applied universities. Those who graduate from high school will receive a certificate of admission - Maturité gymnasiale and enter the university.

Benefits of studying at school in Switzerland

  • High standard of living, picturesque nature, safety

  • Practice-oriented education

  • Internships

  • Qualified teachers-practitioners

  • International perspective

  • travel

Cost of studying at a private school in Switzerland

The price of studying at a private school in Switzerland depends on the specific educational institution and the department chosen by the student. The point spread can range from $40,000 to $100,000. Most schools offer scholarships for high academic achievers - this can significantly reduce the cost of education.

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